Hello, hello! I originally was creating my monthly top 5 favorite things...4 of which were podcasts. Then, I began a separate post for my favorite podcasts. 13 thumb scrolls in my notes app later, I realized this subject deserves its own damn post. Because I. am. obsessed... with podcasts.

This is a fairly recent discovery, but there are honestly endless reasons as to why each and every person needs to take up a podcast hobby asap. It has encouraged me to be productive, relax, and even sleep better. But, it's all about finding the right podcast for the right mood.
Listening to podcasts has genuinely become my favorite part of the day, and a reward in a sense. Instead of looking forward to a Netflix show, glass of wine, or bath, podcasts are a way to have a reward any time of the day and still remain productive. Once I found podcasts I liked, I looked forward to the walk to school every day because it included listening to a full podcast. Traffic? There's nothing better than getting stuck in traffic when you have a good podcast on. It encourages me to get up in the middle of the day and take a lap around campus, simply for the reason that I want to listen to another episode. It's an addiction, but I guarantee it's the best one to have.
So, if I haven't convinced you already, THESE are the reason behind my podcast addiction.
The Skinny Confidential

The TSC Him & Her podcast has every right to be at the top of the list because this is what got it all started. First of all, let me just state that I'm not a huge insta-famous follower. I rarely follow influencers, and if I do, I don't really care to follow their each and every move.
HOWEVER. The Skinny Confidential is literally life changing. I listen to Lauryn's podcasts, watch snapchats, Instagrams, read her book & blog, the whole shebang. This chick works HARD, and it shows. She's more than an influencer; she's innovative, a marketing/branding icon, and so so funny. The reason I love her brand and especially podcast is because I take away so much from it. Everything is a learning opportunity. Some of my favorite episodes of hers include:
#112 Aubrey Marcus - Open Realtionahips, Psychedilics, Human Optimization
#90 Tanya Zuckerbot, The F-Factor Diet
#63 Battling Addiction with Faye Evarts and Johnny Cheek
#48 Mark Manson: The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck
Give me a shout if you'd like to know a bit more about the Skinny Confidential. I'd love to do a full post on all that I've taken away from her posts/podcasts.
Up & Vanished

THIS *excuse my french* SHIT IS CRAZY. A normal dude. He investigates a cold case in Georgia, pretty much just for fun. THE DUDE SOLVES THE WHOLE THING. Don't think that's a spoiler alert because there is so much more to the story. He begins by creating a few episodes, but then extends it into a full blown season because of all of the information uncovered. I listened to this podcast for a full three days (7 hour drive gave me plenty of time) and was ready to cry by the time it ended.
The best news ever: there is a second season; I am right in the middle of it. The guy that does the investigation, Payne Lindsey, is just so genuine and relaxed that people literally hand information to him that the police were never aware even existed. Disclaimer: do not listen to it at night. It's a murder mystery type of deal.
Dirty John

This is a close runner up to Up and Vanished in terms of mystery podcasts. It's a completely real story that was even turned into a Bravo show. Ask your cousins, your bff, your ex ex bf, whatever you have to do to get your hands on a Bravo account. I highly recommend listening to the podcast first, as it is much better than the show, but the show is also fun to watch when you've already heard the story. Highly highly recommend if you're looking for a shorter series too.
The Bitch Bible

Now this one is a little newer to me, but I've already found my new favorite things about it: its uplifting humor AND you can afford to lose your place. With all of the other podcasts, I'm devastated if I start to lose my place or fall asleep during an episode. The Bitch Bible is essentially just a hilarious rant. I love listening to it at night and falling asleep because it's not the end of the world if I lose my spot and it's also just a happy note to end the day on considering how funny Jackie is.
And there we have it! I highly suggest giving all of these podcasts a listen, because when done right, podcast listening really is life changing. Let me know which one's you love!